Language impairment (LI) are articulation problems, in which the patient is usually a child and has the inability to pronounce words properly. It is not a diagnosis, and usually it is part of a more complex analysis, based on the origin of the symptom, such as impaired hearing, structural abnormality of the speech organs, mental inadequacy or learning disabilities. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, language ability is associated with the Heart energy meridian. Imbalances in the Heart meridian energy may cause language difficulties. Purpose: To demonstrate the importance of treating the Heart meridian imbalance, and to show the effectiveness of this kind of treatment within a short period, in a specific case of a patient who has a LI, and was already facing the usual Western medical treatment. Methods: F.D.R., a five-year-old boy with episodes of anxiety, agitation and difficulty in the pronunciation of some specific words. He was intelligent and had good grades in school. The patient was being accompanied by a speech therapist but the results were not satisfactory. His grandmother took him for acupuncture treatment, with the main goal of calming him down and improving his social skills, as he was very shy. He was submitted to a treatment with auricular acupuncture, moxibustion, Chinese dietary nutrition and homeopathy and crystal-based medication, to replenish the energy of the chakras. Results: In less than one month of treatment, the patient showed himself less inhibited, more sociable, and correctly speaking the words he used to miss. Conclusion: The conclusion is that in the treatment of LI, the patient has to be seen in a holistic way, understanding the importance of treating the third chakra or Heart meridian as the root of the problem, not only treating the symptoms. ">