背景:利妥昔单抗是一种靶向CD20的单克隆抗体,通常用于治疗b细胞淋巴细胞增生性疾病。通常情况下,它与其他化疗方案一起用于治疗侵袭性和惰性淋巴瘤。近年来,它被用于滤泡性淋巴瘤和其他自身免疫性疾病的单药维持治疗。利妥昔单抗耐受性良好,然而,它被发现与输注相关反应的风险有关。这种副作用更有可能发生在第一次剂量,而不是以后的剂量,尽管其机制尚不清楚。制造商建议利妥昔单抗输注在3至4小时内初始速度缓慢,这需要医疗资源,并导致患者不满。研究表明,只要第一次输注耐受性良好且无输注反应迹象,利妥昔单抗可通过90分钟以上快速输注安全地给药。在这种转变后的药物方案导致了更有效的资源利用和治疗实践。这最终将导致减少门诊就诊时间和提高患者满意度。目的:考虑到快速输注的安全性,该研究的主要目标是在3-5个月期间,将在JHAH肿瘤研究所接受美罗华治疗的CD20阳性淋巴瘤患者的输注时间至少缩短40%。 Methods: A total of 20 patients diagnosed with CD20 positive Lymphoma who were planned to receive Rituximab were included in the study. The action plan was to start Rituximab infusion over 90 minutes from the second treatment cycle, the first cycle infusion time are kept as per the standard practice. When the initial infusion is tolerated well, a 20% of the tolerated dose was administered over 30 minutes, and the remaining 80% was given over 60 minutes, and the same rate will be used for the later doses. Results: Post action plan data analysis indicated that patient infusion times were reduced by 50% from 185 to 93 minutes. In addition to increasing patient satisfaction rate from 78% to 85% during the study period. Conclusion: Rapid Rituximab infusion rate is safe with 0% of reaction. Compared to 10% of historical data and accountable for the sufficient use of oncology clinic, in addition to improving the efficiency that consequently increased patient fulfilment.