传记:mahendra Pal教授,埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴大学前兽医公共卫生(UNDP)教授,国际知名科学家,著名院士,出版著作610部,出版专著8部。帕尔教授还曾担任印度阿南德农业大学兽医公共卫生系教授和系主任。他是许多在线期刊的编辑和会员。Pal教授在印度和埃塞俄比亚指导了67名博士、硕士和硕士学位的学生。他被认为开发了Pal’s培养基、APRM培养基、PHOL染色剂和Narayan染色剂,用于真菌的研究,这些真菌涉及人类和动物的临床疾病。Pal教授首次阐明了新型隐球菌在山羊和水牛乳腺炎中的作用,镰刀菌在水牛角膜溃疡中的作用,烟曲霉在骆驼和骡鼻炎中的作用,疣状毛癣菌在鹿皮炎中的作用,热带念珠菌在人肺脓胸中的作用。他首次确定了隐球菌在新西兰、尼泊尔和吉布提环境中的流行。pal教授报告了在埃塞俄比亚首次从乳汁中分离出白色念珠菌,以及在骆驼皮炎中发现疣状毛癣菌。Pal教授首次在埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴大学和印度古吉拉特邦阿南德兽医科学学院启动了兽医公共卫生博士项目。他的传记发表在《世界名人录》上。 Prof. Pal is recipient of many award including “Distinguished Teacher Award”, “Jawaharlal Nehru Award”, “International Achievement Award”, and “ Life Time Achievement Award”. He delivered guest lecturers in medical and veterinary colleges in India, New Zealand, Japan, and Ethiopia. Prof. Pal is the “First Indian Veterinarian” who worked as “JSPS Visiting Scientist” at University of Tokyo, Japan. He is serving as Chief Editor, Editor, Associate Editor, and Member of the editorial board of over seventy online journals. Prof. Pal is “Life Member” of several scientific societies. He is invited by many International Associations to attend the Conference. Considering his immense contribution, Prof. Pal is known as “Father of Veterinary Mycology” in India. Very recently, he launched “Narayan Consultancy” on Veterinary Public Health and Microbiology to give free technical advice to scientists of poor resource countries of the world. In addition, Prof. Pal is doing charitable work for the needy people in various ways from his personal money since 1970.