摘要/ Abstract摘要:内脏利什曼病(ll . donovani)是一种已知的黑热病/白蛉病原体。具有公共卫生重要性的病媒包括,马提尼疟原虫在与肯尼亚接壤的南苏丹各州肆虐,而东方疟原虫在南苏丹北部和苏丹占主导地位。它表现出罕见的外门咬伤行为特征。南苏丹是东非国家的高度流行地区,在称为“黑热病区”的流行县见证了大规模和频繁的疫情。超过三分之一的人口面临感染风险。这一审查旨在评估两个苏丹的VL流行和死亡相关的当前诊断、治疗和风险因素。方法与目的:检索1945 - 2018年SCI期刊、pub med、science direct、谷歌、WHO报告、MSF、CDC网站上发表的文献。VL诊断工具、治疗方案和相关危险因素是使用的关键词。这是为了分析目前疾病负担与疾病暴发相关因素之间的相关性。调查结果:若干风险因素导致了VL的频繁爆发、长期战争、营养不良、VL与艾滋病毒/乙型肝炎/丙型肝炎合并感染是一个新出现的公共卫生问题、贫困和当地人口的社会文化特征。 Government effort is lacking with negligible resources allocation. Acacia trees harbor sand fly as resting and hiding places. K39/K26 or rk39/rk28 dipstick is a field base diagnostic tool commonly used. Treatment’s regimen liposomal AmporicinB, SSG + PM recently recommended. Areas formerly free of Kala-zar had experience recurrent epidemic. Conclusion: VL in South Sudan remains highly isolated from clinical diagnosis, treatment, and control even routine data for surveillance is nonexistence. National guidelines and protocols for treatment, management and vector control remain at standstill. Resistance of visceral leishmania to drugs at static or in an increasing threshold required more researches. There is close relationship between frequent outbreaks and internal conflicts, poor malnutrition, poverty and displacement to high transmission zones, individuals who are new in sand fly infested areas are at greater risks, including children, old age and pregnant women.