这是对该研究人员博士奖学金调查乌干达高等教育毕业生的奖学性自雇人士的探索性研究,这是一个乌干达的行动研究(AR)研究ankole Western大学(AWU)的技能学生和校友。这是一个探索性的案例研究,使研究者能够获得更深入的知识,一个或几个案例被认为是有价值的自我雇佣的关键特征。探索性分析的重点是避免统计测试的II型错误(接受假NULL假设),而不是伪造的I型错误(错误地拒绝真假假设)。这项研究更强调自我创业应该成为乌干达教育的目标,而不是培训机构目前拥有的、需要的愿景和角色,即从提供求职者转变为提供就业机会的人。它审查了学生的劳动力市场看法,经验和期望;培养学生面对劳动力市场现实的新方法;以及教育机构的成分,以制定提升转型到逾期自雇人士的模型。通过焦点小组讨论收集了来自学生社会企业家、AWU学生、讲师、系主任和大学管理层的数据;以及对雪马区商务专员的采访。The findings highlight the polarization of positive and negative students’ perceptions towards self-employment and call for vocationalizing university studies—call for scraping of the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education, also dabbed A’ Level, and replacing it with a Uganda Vocational/Technical Certificate of Education. It was found also that other than the faculty of Science and Information Technology (IT), the other faculties, their studies are theoretical. Following this, the study recommends that every student from the rest of the faculties identifies with at least one of the pitched projects of a student from the faculty of Science and IT, and together, the group, work to ensure that their project is replicated into the community/commercialized for gainful self-employment. This will serve as the major ingredient for AWU to develop a model of enhancing its graduates’ transition to gainful self-employment. The further main studies will look at each of the objectives, highlighted in the first sentence, through MacIsaac’s (1995) cyclic investigations of plan, act, observe, and reflect of action research.