背景:外伤性脑损伤(Traumatic brain injury, TBI)是指暴露于外力后的脑功能结构损伤或生理变化。根据损伤方式和损伤机制的不同,婴儿期和儿童期的头部损伤是最常见的单一死亡原因。RTA被报道为从高处坠落后创伤性脑损伤的第二常见原因。目的:分析卡塔尔儿童年龄组RTA术后脑损伤的流行病学因素及范围。强调加强儿童在机动车辆内的安全措施的重要性。材料与方法:这是一项2015年1月至2018年1月在卡塔尔多哈哈马德总医院PICU进行的回顾性研究。分析14岁以下RTA患儿因脑损伤入院的所有病例资料,并回顾其神经影像学表现。结果:对所有因脑损伤需要入院的RTA患儿进行研究。共23例。(男17人,女6人)(8 pedisatranian 2骑周期13(无节制的乘客)车内但没人穿座位和/或安全措施后,孩子在一辆汽车或者骑周期,最常见的脑损伤(额实质出血挫伤除了extra-parenchymal出血), diffuse axonal injury with cerebral edema was associated with poor prognosis and indicate severe injury. Conclusion: frontal parenchymal brain injury being the most common type of brain injury secondary to head collision being a pediatric passenger without using the safety measure especially seat built. Such safety measure should be included in road traffic regulation law which can affect the severity of RTA associated brain injuries in pediatric age group. Diffuse axonal injury and raised ICP were associated with bad prognosis.