本研究分析了使用厌氧消化方法在沼气萃取之前和之后的棕榈油磨流出物(Pome)的物理化学性质。两种本地制造的厌氧生物消化器用于碱的消化,一个用于控制,另一个用于催化样品。消化样品总共110天。在实验的第60天(称为MID消化)和实验的最后一天收集实验室分析样品(称为消化末端)。标准常规实验室技术用于分析样品。结果表明,新鲜的碱是酸性的(pH值为4.43),而厌氧消化逐渐导致其酸度(平均4.43-4.83,在初始设置中的平均4.43-5.50)转换为a两种设置中的酸度下降。样品的有机碳含量高(27.37%至30.89%)。同样地,样品的氮含量也增加(0.73%至1.38%)。在消化过程结束时,碳与氮气(C / N)的氮(C / N)的比例从37.5℃下降到22.38。 Dissolved oxygen (DO) showed a remarkable increase while biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) decreased in the both experimental setups. Also, Magnesium, electric conductivity, total dissolved solids and nitrate increased while the chloride, Sodium and Potassium contents decreased in both the control and catalysed experimental setups. Findings revealed that the anaerobic digestion of POME leads to a drop in acidity, COD and BOD, it therefore does not only serve as a resource from which valuable biogas can be obtained but could also serve as value added means of POME treatment with an added advantage of the digestate being quality compost that can be used as biofertilizer. It is also recommended that the microbial aspect be studied in a similar study.