中国及其邻国之间的南海争端已经主导了最近的头条新闻。引用争议在亚洲的紧张局势增加,美国声称其参与只是为了保持太平洋的航行自由。中国继续抓住历史上岛屿属于他们的快速注意到。中国制作了许多文件,以支持其索赔,并在每一案件中,菲律宾,日本和越南是反对派中最具侵略性的,拒绝认识到中国的主权对岛屿的主权。历史文件包括在第二次世界大战末期签署的条约,其中日本同意返回属于中国的所有领土是岛屿不属于日本的最新证据。The US involvement in spite of all the evidence favoring China begs the question, are America’s interests in the island dispute about an assertion of US power in the region or is it a sincere willingness to support all the countries that have claims against China because the facts gives these countries the right to the islands? It comes down to China’s sovereign rights and its history of non-intervention verses the US global interventionist strategy and its interest in the Pacific, hence, the US ‘Pivot to Asia’.